Help us Design our 2025 Bookmarks!

If you're artsy, and love books, this contest is for you! Young artists are encouraged to enter their own bookmark designs that could be featured on our bookmark added to each book donation to hospitalized kids. Entries due by February 28, 2025.

Join us for our 17th Annual Ice Cream Social!

Join us to celebrate Kate’s Kart on Saturday, June 21st AND Sunday, June 22nd at one of our partnering ice cream shops for our Annual Ice Cream Social. Kate’s Kart volunteers will be onsite at each shop sharing our story, gifting goodie bags, and accepting donations to support our mission. Shops are located across Northeast Indiana in the counties we serve—most of which are locally owned. We hope to see you there!

The Story of Kate’s Kart

Catch a glimpse of Kate's Kart, all wrapped up into a short video. Learn about who we are, what we do and how you can help us spread smiles to hospitalized children all over Northeast Indiana and Northwest Ohio.

Amazon Wish List

Shop our Amazon Wishlist to help keep our Karts stocked with the most popular book picks. Your donation of books will be sent directly to us, and will touch the lives of children experiencing life in the hospital. Every donation counts as we give away over 3,500 books each month to brighten the lives of hospitalized children and their families!

Shop Kroger & Support Kate’s Kart

If you shop at Kroger, supporting Kate’s Kart is easy! Simply link your Kroger Plus Card to our organization, and from that point on, a percentage of your purchase will be donated directly to Kate’s Kart! Kroger Community Rewards requires re-enrollment every year. The time to re-enroll is NOW!

Our Mission and Why We Do What We Do.

Kate's Kart is all about books...and smiles!   It's a simple idea, really.   Through the gifting of a brand new book, it is our goal to brighten the day of a hospitalized child.  Whether that child is scared, hurting or just bored, it is our mission to make his or her day just a little bit better.  Books are a powerful tool and can help the child feel comforted, distracted and loved in an environment that may be just a little bit overwhelming.


Kate Kate

Brett H

Our daughter had unexpected surgery the first day of her life and spent awhile in the NICU after she was born. Your books were so nice to receive while we were there and to read with her now. She is now 18 months old and had a follow up surgery this week. She was very happy to receive a Kate’s Kart book when we checked in for surgery and it was nice to see the familiar Kate’s Kart before we sent her off to surgery. Thank you so much for the work you do! We will always be big supporters of Kate’s Kart!
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The Bennett Family

Our daughter, Jacqueline, was born about a month early and she was in the NICU at Parkview Regional Medical Center for a little over two weeks. She needed help with her breathing and putting on more weight. Although we were fortunate not to need the NICU for a longer period, the time that we were there was difficult and incredibly stressful. No one ever expects to not be able to bring home their baby a couple days after giving birth. However, Kate’s Kart was one thing that both my husband and I looked forward to during the NICU stay and we appreciated having something to read to our daughter while she was there. Additionally, our families attended the Kate’s Kart ice cream fund raiser to show support for us during that time. Jacqueline has been home for about two weeks now and is thriving!

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Caitlyn E

Kate’s Kart impacted me in a way I didn’t even realize until later. My twin girls were born unexpectedly at 32 weeks. We were in the NICU for 30 days, and every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday the Kart would make its rounds and provide a book to each of the girls. When they came by, they would always ask us how we were doing, how the girls were doing, and ask if they could peek in to see them. Now looking back those little gestures meant so much to me. At the time, my mind was all over the place. As a new mom and in the NICU, you are exhausted both emotionally and physically, and it can be lonely. We did our best to read them a book each day we were there, and it was a way to feel connected in a time where nothing felt normal. What should be a fun and an enjoyable time is very scary when faced with babies in the NICU. Looking back, I was and am thankful for such a wonderful organization, Kate’s Kart, who can help parents when faced with a challenging situation and provide opportunities to feel connected with their child/children.

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The Beals Family

Being in the hospital with a sick child is one of the scariest times as everything is unknown, even if your child is a ‘frequent flyer’ like Ezekiel is. Having Kate’s Kart come give a book during one of the most stressful times brings a little joy during a dark time. Being able to read to Ezekiel and Grace while in the hospital makes them relax a little and brings a smile to their faces. Even after we are home, reading a book from Kate’s Kart brings a positive memory during their hospital day instead of the trauma or fear.

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Megan V

Betty was in the NICU for 31 days during October and November. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday she was given a new book. It gave me something to look forward to and we were able to start a little library at home for her.

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Tori R

I had a little NICU babe at Dupont this past spring & loved coming in to find he had new books! I was never able to spend much time with him because I was also still in the hospital myself & not doing well, but knowing others were reading to him was so special! We still read our book collection!

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Nova A

We are so thankful for the incredibly gracious charity – Kate’s Kart! Our baby girl barely survived a traumatic birth experience. Due to her critical condition, we were not able to touch or hold our baby girl for the first several days. The only thing we could do was talk, sing and read to her. The night she was born, the nurse brought us a few books from Kate’s Kart. That was the first experience we had with our daughter. Miraculously she continued to improve each day. By the end of our stay at Dupont Hospital, our daughter had compiled a collection of over 30 books, thanks to Kate’s Kart.  Kate’s Kart will certainly be a memorable part of our NICU stay, one that we are very grateful for.
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Samantha W

My Daughter was born unexpectedly 7 weeks early, Kate’s Kart was such a blessing for me while she was in the NICU. I am a very active reader and enjoy all books, one thing I loved doing was reading to my daughter even when she was in my belly. I always looked forward to getting a new book from Kate’s Kart and I always waited excitedly for them to come to our room. If I wasn’t in the room when they stopped by they would always leave me a book, I loved the surprise waiting for me. Kate’s Kart helped me so much during such a hard time and I want to personally thank you so much. God Bless all of you at Kate’s Kart

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Cassie A

Our daughter was born a micro preemie at 28 weeks, so her lungs were not as strong as most babies. When COVID hit our world, she ended up contracting COVID pneumonia and was in the hospital for 8 days. From the minute we were admitted to the ER we received a Kate’s Kart book from a close friend who is a nurse in the PICU. The adorable touch and feel book put a smile on our sweet girls face who was having a hard time breathing. It was a great distraction from all the pokes and fighting with the nose cannula. Every day she looked forward to mommy or daddy reading her a new book that she now keeps in her bookcase at home and will forever cherish. We love being able to give back to this charity and hope it brings a smile and joy to other littles as well! We are very grateful and thankful for this organization.

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Lita L

On April 10, 2018 I had an emergency c-section to have our beautiful baby girl. She was 11 weeks early due preclampsia. Ryann was born at 2lbs 3oz. She was in the NICU for 8 weeks. Every time we would visit during her stay we would come into the room to a new book. We would sit there and read it while visiting. Her last week our other daughter (Emily, 7yrs old) got to finally visit her baby sister. While visiting she read every book out loud to baby Ryann. It is these priceless moments that make you realize how blessed you truly are.  Kate’s Kart gave us that glimpse of happiness while reading the cute little books. Thank you!
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Your Dollar Goes Twice as Far When Donated!

Over the years, we have learned that there are specific books which are quickly chosen off the karts and bring the most joy to the children. In a hospital environment which can be very scary and foreign, book with characters that the children know and love bring the most comfort.

When you donate dollars, we are able to purchase the books in the most demand. We know which specific type of book is needed at the time and will be placed immediately on the karts to brighten the day of hospitals children.

Plus, due to arrangements with book sellers and publishers, Kate’s Kart is able to purchase books tax free and at a 20-60% discount from a normal consumer. This means your donated dollar can buy twice as many books.

So, You Want to Donate New Books? Here’s How!

We understand that many people love to go shopping and like to get their children involved in purchasing books. We ask that you keep these few things in mind when donating books:

  • All books must be brand new and recently purchased
  • The more interactive the book, the better.   These include:  touch and feel, lift the flap, musical books or books with attached toys
  • We (and the kids) prefer high quality interactive books that will provide distraction for an extended period of time
  • Look to our wish lists for examples of books to buy
  • Please do not write in or attach any type of sticker to the book